Title : Pencegahan penyakit dengan terapi herba Author : Rizki Joko Sukmono ISBN/ISSN : 9789673718627 Description : Membongkar rahsia tentang fungsi tanaman herba yang digunakan secara turun temurun sebagai kesihatan serta penentuan jenis ramuan yang akan digunakan bagi mengubati sesuatu penyakit. | Title : Architecture and construction in wood Author : Dimitris Kottas ISBN/ISSN : 9788415123262 Item Location : NA689 .K87 Description : A superb selection of wooden constructions. The collection has been carefully chosen to present some of the finest examples of wooden architecture today. The latest techniques and imaginative proposals, from prominent architects on the international scene, will offer readers inspiration to apply to their own projects. Full-color photos and concise explanatory texts provide the architects? perspectives for each construction and make this volume an essential book in the collection of any architect or student of architecture. | Title : Business Cards: The Art of Saying Hello Author : Liz Farrelly ISBN/ISSN : 9781856693868 Item Location : NC1002.C4 .B874 2009 Description : Business Cards: The Art of Saying Hello is the ultimate business card book, bringing together the best examples of cards created by designers around the world. Business cards are a major design challenge; creating successful cards is all about the clever use of space; but just a little space. And that’s not all. A design needs to make a splash, stand out from the crowd or announce you as part of a team; and how do you solve the problem of creating a universally understood message while catering to cultural differences and multiple languages? Materials are also important; not all cards are machine printed, and this book features cards on punched metal, stitched fabric, cards with heat-sealed cut-outs, or made from recycled subway tickets, plus clever examples of best-practice using “make-your-own” business-card machines. Over 300 cards are grouped into sections reflecting different design approaches: Typography, Photography, Materials, Illustration and Found Objects. Proving just how inventive you can be with a limited space, this book is a rich source of ideas and inspiration both for designers and anyone wishing to make a statement with their business card. | Title : 50s Fashion (Pepin Fashion, Textiles & Patterns) Author : Roojen, Pepin Van ISBN/ISSN : 9789460090042 Item Location : NK8804 .R663 2010 Description : PEPIN? is a series of thematic titles on various types of textile and dress - including unusual and overlooked styles. Each volume contains introductory text, fashion plates an/or historical images to show the subject in its original context and high-quality photographs and drawings of clothing, patterns, decorative details, etc. A wide selection of these images is saved on the enclosed CDs. 50s FASHION contains a large selection of fabulous textile pattern designs of the 1950s, in particular the second half of the decade, when there was an outburst of innovation and originality in print design. The unconventional treatment of floral and geometric compositions, as well as the layering of patterns, was completely different from preceding styles. In addition, this book contains many photographs of original clothes and fashion plates. | Title : Fashion : Concept to catwalk Author : Olivier Gerval ISBN/ISSN : 9789812458261 Item Location : TT507 .G473 2009 Description : Fashion: Concept to Catwalk reveals the inner workings of